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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Just wondering of this works!

Ooo technology can be so great :)

Go Your Own Way

Ofcourse its exam time again when I start writing on the ol' blog. Beauty and the Beast is on t.v. and I've been downloading apps like a crazy person! I tried to start writing my take-home exam, and even made an attempt to go to Starbucks and work like a real person... but alas.. I failed. Tomorrow is as good a day as any to not have writers block so lets hope for the best :).

I wanted to post this picture today.. I love this outfit.. I was really into cropped jeans in the summer/fall (of course its too cold to wear them now..) and this shirt is so chill and easy going. This was the perfect outfit for a lovely day out to Balls Falls Thanksgiving Fair with my lovely boyfriend!

Thats all for now,
K xoxo

p.s. That scarf was once purchased at a second hand store to be part of a Halloween costume.. but now has quickly turned into one of my favourites!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Oh the times they are a changin'

Since my last post much has changed, and yet nothing has really changed at all. I went to Europe (my British Parliament background was chosen because the pictures from my trip are too big to be uploaded *first world problems*), my beloved Clarebear finally went to big park in the sky, my sister graduated from University and will be pursuing her Masters, I am moving into my final year of school and my best friend has moved closer to home so I can now see her more often!

So really, quite a bit has changed.. and yet somehow I still feel the exact same. I must say finally going to Europe was quite life changing and was every the bit amazing as I expected. I actually thought I would end up loving Paris more than London, as I always pictures myself moving to London one day.. but I was proven wrong. Now, don't get me wrong, I loved Paris, but there was something about London-town that just stole my heart. The streets were so lively and clean, the people so polite and fashionable, the food SO good and cheap. It just whisked me off my feet and every time I see a picture of Buckingham Palace I find myself wishing I was once again standing outside of the gates waiting to catch a glimpse of the Queen herself!

Our trip started off on a rocky note, barley making our flights and having our luggage back in Canada was a bit of a downer, but nothing could hold back our adventurous spirits. We travelled to Paris first. We did everything you should in Paris, including having champagne at the top of the Eiffel Tower, had cheese and wine, toured the Louvre, visited Versailles, walked through Montmartre, saw Notre Dame and Sacre Coeur, walked the Champ Elysees and saw the Arc De Triomph. The city has a magical twist with many modern conveniences. The weather was subpar at best and I would love to the the Tuliere Gardens in the full bloom of summer time.

After we said our Au Revoirs to the city of love we took the 15 minute plane ride (actually an hour and 15 but with the time change you leave at 11:15 and arrive at 11:30!) We landed in jolly ol' London. We stayed in the Earls Court area and again we experienced everything touristy there is to do! We toured the Tower of London and saw the Crown Jewels, walked through Kensington Gardens, watched the changing of the guards outside Buckingham Palace, walked along the South Bank, went to the Globe Theatre, saw Southwark Cathedral, saw St Paul Cathedral and of course we toured Westminster Abbey. The Abbey was by far my favourite part of London, it has an eerie calmness about its ancient walls. You can feel all the great and tragic things that have happened to the lost souls buried in the tombs and walls and floors of the absolutley stunning building. It was such a strange feeling, just a little while after I was there watching Kate Middleton walking down the aisle way for the royal wedding, it somehow had a very different feeling to it. Not so much sad, but joyous and grand. I wish with all my heart that someday I will be able to go back there!

I couldn't of course finish my blog without a picture of my beautiful little kittens, Shadow and Clara. They are both together now in the big park in the sky and I miss them more and more. Somehow, in their passing, I really did realize that as much as I love my dogs, I think I will always be a cat person. Miss you my babies :)

Thats all for now, more updates shall be coming soon
K xoxo