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Friday, November 26, 2010

The Last Will and Testament of a Distinguished Pet

I am a firm believer that animals are an essential to a family. I have been blessed to have multiple over my short life. With the joy , comfort and love an animal can give there is also heart break and despair over the death of these (sometimes) furry family members. I was lucky enough to have my first dog die (Barron) when I was barley old enough to understand what was going on. He was a beautiful German Shepherd with one flopped over ear and a protective attitude. He was my mums first love and she, to this day, still talks about how much of a good dog he was.

Over the years since Barron, my family have accumulated quite a nice pack of animals. First there was Shadow, a wry black and white cat who came to us in the middle of the night from our neighbours. Once their mother saw how he didn't want to leave, she aggreed our place was the best for him. Amica was next. I vividly remember coming home from school and sitting in the living room with my sister. My mum came in the room and said she and my grandfather had a surprise for us. And out runs this little, fluffy puppy, who would terrorize us and later turn out to be one of the best dogs anyone could ever wish to have.

Clara came to us after my sister and I begged my mum for another kitten. This seemed only fair to us since Shadow came to us as an already adult cat. My mum gave in (this would not be the last time) and we went to the pound and took home this cute black an white kitten with the sweetest face. This was back in 1997. Since then our last member (to our family anyways, but certainly not the last dog we would encounter) came to us when I was 12. His name was Ori (meaning "Light of my life in Hebrew") and he was a fluffly little Papillion. He certainly had those characteristic butterfly ears.

In all those years since, we had all 4 animals. Our youngest was starting to become not so young a the ripe age of 10, which in dog years makes him a middle age man. Untill this year I had never experienced an animal dying. To those who have no animals, you may see it as trivial and unimportant. "The circle of life". But to those of you who have had that dog or cat for the majority of your lives (not unlike myself) you see it as the end or an era. The end of the family you once knew and on to the unknown. These feelings started for me earlier this year, when my beloved Shadow fell ill and had to be taken to the vet that one last time. He slept in my bed on my pillow for over 10 years and it was excruciatingly painful to say goodbye. He was a great animal and I will always fondly remember him for watching over me as I slept all thise nights.

Then, later on this year, it happened again. My 'mica-moo, like so many animals before her, became ill and it was time for her to move on. People in the park still ask about my mum about her, and its still hard for her to say it. She was a beautiful border collie cross with a relaxed golden retriever attitude.

After Amica died, my mum brought me this book that she said would really help. It was called 'The Last Will and Testament of a Distinguished Dog'. Ofcourse I bawled my eyes out after reading it but it really did help. And to any pet owners out there who are now missing one of their family members, I would highly suggest picking a copy up.

So this, is my last will and testament to my distinguished pets, Shadow and Amica, you will be forever missed and never forgotten by your loving family.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Second Blog.

Currently watching: The Office
Listening to: Mom talk to my grandfather in the other room
Mood: content
I am currently waiting for my lovley boyfriend Milivoj to be finished his Serbian dance practice so I can see him. I'm watching The Office, even though its one of those episodes that you have seen a million times before, but its such a good show that you don't want to change to anything else. I don't know about anyone else but I would love to have a boss like Michael Scott. He is just such an interesting person.
Exams are coming soon, but they are not close enough that I'm worrying about them yet. Final projects are being completed quicker than usually expected.
This semester is starting to shape up..